Creating Visual Models

Creating Visual Models for Community Development


Instructional Designer:  Heidi Trotta

Faculty Member:  Matt Hale

Course:  PSMA 7122NA - Strategic Management for Collaboarative Governance

Spring, 2008


Project Abstract:

Everyday, in cities across America, there is an on going battle between different constituencies over land use.  Businesses see a vacant lot as an opportunity to build a factory, citizens may want a park, and a nonprofit group might prefer a community center. 


Using a case-based scenario, each student was assigned to a team that represents one of the following "agents for change"; a nonprofit community organization, a real estate developer and a government agency.  Each team was responsible for: 

(1) Designing an approach for developing a vacant parcel of land that meets their organization's stated objectives and goals 

(2) Preparing a detailed development plan for the property and why thier plan should be chosen by the special magistrate.  A visual representation of the proposed plan should be made using Google Sketch-Up. 

(3) Presenting their plan and proposal to the special megistrate at a hearing.







A New Tool for the Shed:  Google Sketchup

(Co-presented with Matt Hale)


Matt Hale Audio Recording



November 14, 2008

Montclair University

Montclair, New Jersey 


~ funded by a  TLTC Faculty Innovation Grant Project